An Exclusive and Academic PMO Program

PMO Professional Indonesia Campus Visits

Collaborative program between professionals and academic to learn
and develop project management office science.

About PMOPI Campus Visits

Kampus Merdeka is part of the Freedom Learning policy by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia which provides opportunities for students to hone skills according to their talents and interests by going directly into the world of work as preparation for future careers.


PMOPI supports the implementation of government programs in terms of realizing a comprehensive career preparation program to prepare the best generation of Indonesia.

PMOPI Campus Visits

PMOPI Campus Visits is a collaborative program between professionals and academics to learn and develop project management office science. This program aims to open up practical and development opportunities directly with project management office practitioners and researchers or lecturers on campus

Benefits for Campus


Additional references related to Project Management Office in academia and source references for thesis and dissertation

Broaden Knowledge Development

Increase knowledge about management of Project Management Office related to project management and strategic execution

Research & Innovation

Opening opportunities for research and innovation partnership in the field of Project Management Office for academics

Community Collaboration

PMOPI as a non profit and officially registered organization is the perfect community partner for campuses and universities

Benefits for Students



Get networking access to PMO Professional in Indonesia

Best Practice

Best Practice

Get exposed to current best practices and industry standards on PMO



Get access to internship, job opportunities, and volunteer opportunities

Benefits for Students


Get networking access to PMO Professionals in Indonesia

Best Practice

Get exposed to current best practices and industry standards on PMO


Get access to internship, job opportunities, and volunteer opportunities

Arrange a Meeting

PMO Professional Indonesia